All Web 3.0

What Is Web3 Technology, How Does It Work, Benefits

date:  Aug 06 2024
reading time: 10min

Bisera Stankovska

The internet has evolved drastically since its inception—from static pages to dynamic platforms, it has transformed the way we interact, communicate, and conduct business. Now, we stand on the brink of another revolution: Web3.  But what is Web3 technology?

This new era of the internet promises a radical shift away from centralized control towards a decentralized ecosystem where users have greater ownership and control over their data and digital assets. Fueled by blockchain technology, Web3 aims to create a more open, secure, and equitable digital world.   

Join us as we explore the foundations of Web3, its key technologies, and the potential impact it will have on individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

Table of Contents

What Is Web3 Technology?

Web3 is a conceptualization of the internet’s future where power is decentralized and users have greater control over their data and digital assets. In simpler terms, it’s like a new internet where the users are in charge—instead of corporations owning all user data, it’s the users that control it. This shift away from centralized platforms is enabled by blockchain technology to ensure everything is fair and secure. That’s the idea behind Web3. 

Web3 Origins

The concept of Web3 emerged as a response to the growing concerns about the centralized nature of the internet and it has its roots in the limitations of its predecessors. Web1 was primarily read-only, offering static information. While Web2 introduced interactivity and user-generated content, power remained centralized in the hands of tech giants, but we’ll get to that later. 

The seeds of Web3 were sown with the advent of blockchain technology. This decentralized system, initially popularized by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, offered a potential solution to the problems of Web2. It promised a way to create a more open, secure, and user-centric internet.

While the term “Web3” was coined in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood, the underlying ideas had been brewing for some time. The desire for a more equitable digital space, combined with the technical capabilities of blockchain, laid the groundwork for this new vision of the internet. While still in its early stages, Web3 has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from finance to gaming, by empowering individuals and communities, and these statistics prove it: 

Web1 vs. Web2 vs. Web3

FocusStatic informationUser-generated content, social interactionsDecentralization, blockchain, ownership
User InteractionLimited, primarily consumptionHigh, creation and sharingHigh, ownership and control
TechnologyHTMLHTML, CSS, JavaScript, social media platformsBlockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts
ExamplesOnline encyclopedias, persona websitesSocial media, blogs, e-commerceDeFi, NFTs, DAOs 
Key CharacteristicsStatic, informationalDynamic, interactive, socialDecentralized, trustless, secure
ControlCentralizedCentralizedDecentralized, user-owned

Key Web3 Technologies

Web3 is a complex ecosystem built upon a foundation of several interconnected technologies. Let’s explore some of the key ones:

Core Technologies

  • Blockchain: This is the backbone of Web3. It’s a distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Its key features include decentralization, security, transparency, and immutability. Imagine a giant, shared notebook where everyone can write but no one can erase. This is blockchain. It keeps track of everything that happens and doesn’t allow for any alterations.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Digital currencies secured by cryptography, often built on blockchain platforms. They serve as a medium of exchange and store of value in the Web3 world. This is like digital money that uses the blockchain to make sure it’s safe and fair. It’s different from regular money because there’s no bank involved.
  • Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They automate the verification of conditions and the execution of actions, creating trustless systems. These are like digital agreements that automatically do what they say. For example, if you agree to buy something online, a smart contract can make sure the payment is sent and the item is delivered without needing a middleman.

Supporting Technologies

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Financial applications built on blockchain technology, offering services like lending, borrowing, trading, and more without intermediaries. This is about using blockchain to do things like lending money or trading without needing a bank.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Unique digital assets verified on a blockchain. They represent ownership of items like art, collectibles, in-game items, and real-world assets.
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Community-led entities without a centralized authority, governed by smart contracts and token holders.
  • Oracles: Data feeds that provide real-world information to smart contracts, bridging the gap between the blockchain and the physical world.
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Decentralized Storage: Distributed networks for storing data, offering resilience, security, and data ownership to users.
  • Identity Management: Decentralized solutions for verifying and managing digital identities, giving users control over their personal information.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Used to analyze blockchain data, optimize processes, and create intelligent applications within the Web3 ecosystem.

How Does Web3 Work?

Web3 represents a radical departure from the internet as we know it. Instead of centralized platforms controlling user data and experiences, Web3 empowers individuals through decentralization, data ownership, and democratic governance.

At the core of Web3 is the concept of data sovereignty. Unlike traditional web platforms that amass and monetize user data (I’m looking at you, Mark Zuckerberg, )Web3 places data ownership firmly in the hands of individuals. Crypto wallets serve as digital vaults, securely storing personal information and granting users complete control over how it’s shared and used.

Pseudonymity is another hallmark of Web3. While transparency is a cornerstone of blockchain technology, user identities remain protected. Crypto wallets act as digital pseudonyms, making it challenging to link online activities to real-world personas. This level of privacy empowers individuals to participate in online communities without fear of surveillance or censorship.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are the beating heart of Web3 governance. These community-led entities operate autonomously, with decisions made collectively by token holders. This democratic approach fosters transparency, inclusivity, and innovation. With smart contracts, you can enforce rules impartially and securely.

Web3 Benefits

These are just some of the benefits of web3:

For Users

  • Users retain control over your data, rather than giving it away to centralized platforms.
  • Improved privacy through decentralized identity and encrypted data.
  • Blockchain technology provides a robust and tamper-proof system for storing and managing data, making it super safe. 
  • Decentralization makes it harder for governments or corporations to control information, making it resistant to censorship. 
  • Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) can provide financial services to the unbanked, allowing for financial inclusion. 

For Businesses

  • Blockchain ensures transparency and trust in transactions.
  • Streamlined processes and reduced intermediaries can lead to cost savings.
  • New business models and opportunities enabled by blockchain and smart contracts.
  • Empowering customers through data ownership and rewards can foster loyalty.
  • Tokenization and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) can be used to raise capital.

For Society

  • Democracy: Decentralized governance models can promote a more participatory democracy.
  • Supply Chain Transparency: Blockchain can track products from origin to consumer, ensuring ethical practices.
  • Healthcare: Secure and efficient data management can improve healthcare outcomes.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Tracking and verifying sustainability claims through blockchain.

What Is Web3 Technology: Key Takeaways

While still in its infancy, the implications of Web3 are far-reaching, with the potential to revolutionize industries, foster innovation, and redefine relationships between individuals, businesses, and governments. Ultimately, Web3 holds the promise of a new era where the internet truly belongs to its users.

Need help with Web3 projects?

Contact SnapStack.

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What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)?

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Direct access and quick feedback

In a traditional recruitment setup, recruiters often face communication discrepancies and delays when dealing with multiple hiring managers. They might be dismissed with vague responses like "I don't have time now," which hampers their efficiency. With RPO, you'll have direct access to hiring teams and can address their needs promptly. This leads to:

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  • Quick and precise feedback on potential hires.
  • Efficient recruitment process with fewer obstacles.

Added value and efficiency

One of the main advantages of RPO is the added value it provides. RPO recruiters work closely with hiring managers to understand their specific needs and requirements. This results in:

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  • Increased efficiency in candidate selection.
  • Improved accuracy in hiring decisions.

Financial benefits

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  • Reduced recruitment costs due to streamlined processes.
  • Lower time-to-hire, which saves money.
  • Cost comparison data in our presentation (see slide no. 4) illustrates the percentage by which RPO can be cheaper than traditional methods.

Additional benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

RPO offers several other benefits that contribute to overall recruitment success:

  • Saves time for your internal team by handling the recruitment process and communication.
  • Eliminates the need for an internal recruiter.
  • Assists in setting up efficient recruitment processes.
  • Trains team leaders to enhance recruitment practices.
  • High motivation from RPO recruiters to make successful placements.
  • Improved candidate experience, as candidates interact with a dedicated representative rather than multiple agencies.
  • Enhanced market impression with a single point of contact for candidates.


If you want to recruit efficiently, reduce costs, and enhance your company's competitive edge in the coming year, consider adopting Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). This strategy not only streamlines the recruitment process but also brings significant financial and operational benefits.

Ready to transform your recruitment process? Explore the advantages of RPO and see how it can elevate your company's efficiency and effectiveness.

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TechBBQ 2024: SnapStack takes ‘One Giant Leap’ into the heart of innovation

What is TechBBQ?

TechBBQ has become the heartbeat of the startup and innovation ecosystem in Scandinavia. What started as a humble BBQ gathering for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs in 2013 has, over the years, evolved into a large-scale summit that now draws attendees from around the world for two days of inspiration, networking, and growth.

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Against this backdrop of ambition and urgency, our SnapStack team—CEO Ivan Ivanov and Head of Sales Predrag Kulić—embarked on a two-day marathon of networking and discovery at TechBBQ in Copenhagen. 

What did they experience? Here’s a glimpse into their journey.

SnapStack Diary, Day 1: A marathon of meetings and moments at TechBBQ

“Today was tough, our feet hurt like never before!” laughed Ivan Ivanov, describing the intensity of their first day. Despite the clear skies in photos, the reality was different. “It looks sunny, but it’s freezing here! And to top it off, we got caught in a torrential downpour this morning,” Predrag Kulić chimed in. They had initially planned to use Bolt bikes for their commute; however, due to the weather, they were forced to opt for a taxi instead. "We had some funny moments during the ride, and yet I’ll let Ivan share that story," Predrag teased.

"Predrag mentioned that I had a funny taxi story, so here it is: We got into the taxi, and I asked the driver to take us to TechBBQ. He replied, ‘Guys, it’s too early for barbecue!’" Ivan laughed again.

TECHBBQ, the epicenter of the Scandinavian startup ecosystem, lived up to its reputation. The SnapStack team walked thousands of steps, meeting a diverse mix of IT firms—from startups and consultancy companies to business organizations and automotive players. “We exchanged dozens of contacts and made countless new connections,” said Ivan. “It was exhausting but incredibly rewarding.”

Czech-Slovak meet-up in Denmark

The evening continued at the Czech-Slovak meet-up, organized by Vít Schlesinger. “It was amazing to see so many people from IT, product, marketing, and sales. Some came just because of Vít’s LinkedIn post, even though they’d never met him before!” Ivan recounted.

Vít kicked off the gathering with a unique icebreaker: each attendee introduced themselves, explained their role, shared their added value, and disclosed any challenges they were facing. Predrag, with his signature smile, declared, “Nothing is troubling me, because ‘life is good.’” The informal and spontaneous atmosphere was perfect for deep, meaningful conversations and networking.

SnapStack Diary, Day 2: A reflective look and a positive finish

Reflecting on the second day, Ivan shared a more nuanced perspective. “After some rest and a bit of distance, I can say that this has been a truly enriching and inspiring experience,” he said. The team connected with a wide range of professionals—from consultants and venture funds to dynamic startup founders. Every interaction was a new opportunity for growth and collaboration.

The weather improved, allowing them to relax in the garden. “We used this quiet corner to take a few calls with our Czech clients. It was a nice way to break up the day,” Predrag said. He couldn’t help but laugh about one quirky detail: “The chairs had heated seats that you could adjust—such a small thing, but really funny and nice!”

Their trip ended with a slight hiccup—a delayed flight at the airport. “Despite the delay, we’re leaving with a great feeling,” Ivan shared. “We’ve made dozens of new, interesting contacts and gathered countless ideas.”

Copenhagen, with its unique charm, stunning architecture, and the ever-present sense of ‘hygge’, left a lasting impression. 

“We know for sure that SnapStack will be back at TechBBQ next year,” Ivan concluded, already looking forward to the next opportunity to leap into the heart of innovation.

If you didn’t get a chance to meet them there, save the date for the Web Summit in Lisbon, taking place from November 11-14. Or just reach out to them via LinkedIn.

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Web3 Technologies: Top Three Technologies Powering the Internet of Tomorrow

The internet, once a revolutionary digital frontier, has become a familiar environment for us. But beneath its surface, a seismic shift is brewing—Web3, the next iteration of the internet, promises to redefine how we interact, transact, and create online. It's a fundamental change that moves away from the centralized control of tech giants and towards a more decentralized, user-centric environment. None of this would be possible without the key web3 technologies we will discuss below. 

Key Web3 Technologies 


Blockchain is a digital ledger distributed across a network of computers. Unlike traditional ledgers, this one is a decentralized system, not controlled by a single entity, be it a company or an individual. Given its decentralized nature, blockchain is incredibly secure and transparent as it can't be tampered with.

Types of Blockchains

  • Public Blockchains, which are open to anyone, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Anyone can join the network, view transactions, and contribute to the network's security. 
  • Private Blockchains - a single organization or a small group controls these. Only authorized members can participate, making them perfect for internal use cases within a company.
  • Consortium Blockchains: These are shared by a group of organizations. They offer a balance between the security of private blockchains and the transparency of public blockchains. Hyperledger Fabric is a popular example.

Benefits of Blockchain

  • Security: Blockchain uses cryptography to protect data. This makes it extremely difficult to hack or manipulate.
  • Transparency: All transactions are publicly visible on the blockchain. This transparency ensures accountability and trust.
  • Immutability: If you record data on the blockchain, you or anyone else can't alter it. This provides a permanent and reliable record of transactions.
  • Decentralization: The distributed nature of blockchain makes it resistant to censorship and single points of failure. This also eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. 

Applications of Blockchain

  • Finance: Cryptocurrencies, digital payments, smart contracts, and supply chain management.
  • Healthcare: Electronic health records, clinical trials, supply chain management, and drug traceability.
  • Government: Voting systems, land registries, and identity management.
  • Gaming: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized gaming platforms.
  • Supply Chain: Tracking products from origin to consumer.

The Future of Blockchain

Blockchain is still a relatively new technology, but its potential is immense. In the future, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in various industries. From creating a more transparent and efficient financial system to revolutionizing healthcare and supply chain management, blockchain has the power to transform the way we interact with the world.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are essentially self-executing contracts with terms directly written into code. With traditional contracts, you have to rely on intermediaries and manual processes. When it comes to smart contracts, blockchain takes care of it all - you deploy them on the blockchain and you don't have to lift a finger for their execution. Once the predefined conditions are met, they are automatically executed.

This automation eliminates the need for third-party involvement, reducing costs and ensuring transparency.

How Smart Contracts Work

  1. Writing the smart contracts in programming languages like Solidity, Vyper, or Rust. These languages allow developers to define the contract's terms, conditions, and actions.
  2. Deploying the coded contract on a blockchain network. This makes it accessible to anyone on the network.
  3. When specific conditions are met, the contract automatically executes the predefined actions. For example, if a buyer sends a payment to a seller, a smart contract can automatically release the product or service.

Types of Smart Contracts

Depending on their functionality and complexity, we can categorize smart contracts in several groups:

Basic Smart Contracts
  • Simple Agreements that we use for straightforward agreements, such as buying and selling goods or services. They typically involve predefined conditions and actions.
  • Escrow Contracts that we rely on to hold funds or assets in escrow until all involved parties meet the predefined conditions.
Complex Smart Contracts
  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): These are applications built on blockchain platforms using smart contracts. They can range from simple games to complex financial systems.
  • Token Contracts: These contracts create and manage digital tokens, which can represent assets, currencies, or memberships.
  • Oracle Contracts: These contracts interact with external data sources (oracles) to provide real-world information to the blockchain, enabling smart contracts to respond to external events.
  • Governance Contracts: These contracts are used for decentralized governance, allowing token holders to vote on decisions and manage the development of a blockchain network.
Specialized Smart Contracts
  • Insurance Contracts: These contracts automate insurance claims processing and premium payments based on predefined conditions.
  • Supply Chain Contracts: These contracts track products through the supply chain, ensuring authenticity and quality.
  • Legal Contracts: These contracts can be used to automate legal processes, such as contract execution and dispute resolution.

It's important to note that these categories are not mutually exclusive, and smart contracts can often combine elements from different types. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and specialized types of smart contracts emerge.

Benefits of Smart Contracts

  • Automation: Smart contracts eliminate the need for manual processes, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Transparency: All contract terms and executions are publicly visible on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and trust.
  • Efficiency: By automating processes, smart contracts can improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Security: Blockchain technology provides a secure and tamper-proof environment for storing and executing smart contracts.
  • Trustlessness: Smart contracts can facilitate trustless interactions between parties who may not know or trust each other.

Applications of Smart Contracts

  • Finance: Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, such as lending platforms, exchanges, and derivatives.
  • Supply Chain: Tracking products, ensuring authenticity, and automating payments.
  • Gaming: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), in-game economies, and decentralized gaming platforms.
  • Real Estate: Property ownership, rental agreements, and escrow services.
  • Insurance: Automated claims processing and premium payments.

Future of Smart Contracts

In the future, we can expect smart contracts to become more complex, handling everything from managing finances to automating legal processes. As advanced encryption and verification methods become more sophisticated, they will make them even harder to hack. Governments will likely create rules to ensure they're used fairly and safely.


Tokens are digital assets that represent ownership or access rights to something of value. They are a fundamental component of Web3, a decentralized internet where users have greater control over their data and interactions.

Types of Tokens

There are primarily two main types of tokens:

  1. Utility Tokens: These tokens provide access to specific services or products within a blockchain ecosystem. For example, a utility token might grant users access to a particular decentralized application (dApp), platform, or network.
  2. Security Tokens: These tokens represent ownership in a company or asset, similar to traditional securities like stocks. They offer potential returns based on the performance of the underlying asset.

Key Characteristics of Tokens

  • Divisibility: Tokens can be divided into smaller units, making them highly flexible.
  • Transferability: They can be easily transferred between users on a blockchain network.
  • Programmability: Smart contracts can be used to define the rules and conditions governing tokens, enabling complex functionalities.
  • Interoperability: Tokens can potentially be used across different blockchain networks, facilitating cross-chain transactions.

Benefits of Tokens

For Individuals:
  • Ownership and Control: Tokens allow individuals to own and control digital assets, giving them more autonomy over their finances.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: Tokens can make financial services more accessible to people in underserved areas, as they often don't require traditional banking infrastructure.
  • Diversification: Investing in tokens can provide opportunities for diversification beyond traditional financial instruments.
  • Potential for High Returns: While investing in tokens carries risks, there's also the potential for significant returns.
For Businesses:
  • Fundraising: Tokens can be used to raise capital for new projects or ventures, often more efficiently than traditional fundraising methods.
  • Customer Engagement: Tokens can be used to reward loyal customers, create incentives for participation, and foster community engagement.
  • Supply Chain Transparency: Tokens can be used to track the movement of goods and verify their authenticity, improving supply chain transparency.
  • New Revenue Streams: Businesses can create new revenue streams by offering token-based services or products.

Applications of Tokens

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Tokens are essential for lending, borrowing, and trading on decentralized platforms.
  • Gaming: In-game items and currencies can be represented as tokens, enabling players to own and trade digital assets.
  • Supply Chain Management: Tokens can track the movement of goods and verify their authenticity.
  • Identity Verification: Tokens can store and verify personal information securely.
  • Real Estate: Property ownership can be fractionalized and represented as tokens.

Future of Tokens

As the decentralized internet continues to mature, tokens are becoming integral to various industries. From cryptocurrencies and NFTs to tokenized assets and governance mechanisms, tokens offer a versatile and innovative approach to value representation. 

Increased interoperability, standardization, and privacy improvements are paving the way for a more interconnected and secure token ecosystem. DAOs, powered by governance tokens, are disrupting traditional organizational structures. 

Moreover, the integration of tokens with everyday services, coupled with the potential emergence of CBDCs, promises to revolutionize finance and commerce. While challenges remain, the future of tokens is bright, with the potential to reshape industries and create new economic opportunities.

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