Businesses all around the world are having amazing success with Cloud-based business solutions. With scalable and secure cloud-enabled corporate apps, they\'re changing how companies conduct business.
Hi, This is Jordan from SnapStack Solutions, and this Friday, again, I am coming forward with a trendy topic from the IT world. Stay with me these few minutes so we can see what are the benefits of using Azure.
Microsoft Azure is used by 90% of Fortune 500 firms across the world to power their operations. Enterprises can quickly design, deploy, and manage basic to sophisticated applications using Azure cloud services that are intimately integrated.
Azure is compatible with a broad range of programming languages, frameworks, operating systems, databases, and devices, letting businesses use tools and technologies they already know and trust.
Programmers and developers may also utilize their current code in a range of languages because Microsoft Azure is based on open-source computing.
Businesses of any size may utilize just the cloud-based services and apps that are appropriate for their operations, and they only pay for what they use. As a result, it\'s a good fit for enterprises who want to transfer all their processing to the cloud, as well as those that prefer to keep part of their compute and storage on-premises, a model known as \hybrid cloud.\"
From the gigants of electronic trading, as Amazon and Alibaba, to the, as the, which are Uber and Airbnb, digital Innovations to transform your operation, customer experience and of of the exchange. My se podíváme na několik příkladů digitální transformace, díky nimž se budete divit, proč jste s ní ještě neexperimentováni.
Read MorePřátelé, rád bych vás srdečně pozdravil. Jsem Jordan ze SnapStack Solutions a v pátek se s vámi budu bavit a diskutovat
Read MoreDobrý den, všichni! Jako každý pátek, tady je Jordan ze SnapStack Solutions a já se s vámi potloukám a mluvím o nejdůležitějších složkách IT oblasti. Minulý týden jsem mluvil o nejpopulárnějším tématu současnosti, NFT, nebo konkrétněji o tom, co jsou a jak mohou pomoci vašemu podnikání. Tento týden jsem chtěl trochu pokračovat v tématu, ale trochu to otočte něčím, co mě hodně vzrušuje. To je hraní.
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