
What are NFTs and How May They Help Your Business Stay Relevant?

January 14, 2022

Friends, I\’d like to express a warm welcome to you. I\’m Jordan from SnapStack Solutions, and like every Friday, I\’m hanging out with you and talking about the most crucial areas of the IT field. We\’re talking about NFTs this week, as the title implies. Let\’s have a look at it and see how it works.

Nothing like a barrage of blockchain news to make you wonder, \”Okaaay, what is going on here?\” That\’s how I felt upon reading about Nyan Cat being sold as NFT.

By the time we all figured out what was going on, Twitter\’s founder had placed a signed tweet up for sale as an NFT.. You might be thinking, what exactly is an NFT? I believe I\’ve figured it out after countless hours of reading. I believe. Let\’s start at the beginning: what exactly is an NFT and what does it stand for? It\’s a Non-Fungible Token, after all.

\”Non-fungible\” basically indicates it\’s one-of-a-kind and can\’t be substituted with anything else. A bitcoin, for example, is fungible, meaning you can exchange one for another and get precisely the identical item. A one-of-a-kind trade card, on the other hand, cannot be duplicated.

But how do they work?

Most NFTs are, at a high level, part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum, like bitcoin and dogecoin, is a cryptocurrency, but its blockchain also enables these NFTs, which hold additional information that allows them to function differently from, say, an ETH coin. It\’s worth mentioning that various blockchains can use NFTs in their ways.NFTs may be anything digital (like drawings or music), but the current buzz is focused on exploiting the technology to sell digital art. A lot of the discussion revolves around NFTs as a digital development of fine art collecting.

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Do people truly believe NFTs will become some kind of art collecting?

That\’s when things become a little tricky. You can make as many copies of a digital file as you like, including the art that comes with an NFT.NFTs, on the other hand, are meant to give you something you can\’t get anywhere else: ownership of the work (but the original creator can still keep the copyright and reproduction rights, as such with regular artwork).

To put it another way, everyone can buy a Monet print in terms of tangible art collecting. However, the original may only be owned by one individual.

Who would spend tens of thousands of dollars for something that is essentially a trading card? That is, in part, what makes NFTs so unwieldy. Some people regard them as the future of fine art collection, while others regard them as Pokémon cards.

Several marketplaces have sprung up around NFTs, allowing users to purchase and trade them. OpenSea, Rarible, and Grimes\’ pick, Nifty Gateway, are among them, but there are dozens more.

When the Ethereum blockchain implemented support for NFTs as part of a new standard, they became technically possible. Of course, a game called CryptoKitties, which enabled users to exchange and sell virtual kittens, was one of the earliest applications.

How can companies use NFTs to stay relevant and grow their brands and businesses?

Brands jumped in making and selling NFTs of hamburgers, drink cans, footwear, and, in one of the most cynical in my opinion, a digital makeover of Marilyn Monroe by the same company that is meant to protect her Brand.
Gucci manufactured and sold virtual bags for more than they sell real ones in shops, in a creative flurry of profound understanding and relevance…this one on a site that prides itself on safeguarding the young online.

It\’s a clever method to leverage Blockchain Technology to produce a one-of-a-kind digital marking that can be used to validate anything. To put it another way, you might assign an NFT to a bottle of gin, and that NFT would accompany the bottle from sale to sale, establishing origin, tracking value, verifying ownership, and perhaps increasing its worth.

You may, for example, invest in particular gin NFTs that are backed by cryptocurrency. You may trade them, inflate their worth, and speculate all you want, but you can also cash them in for a one-of-a-kind handmade bottle of liquor.

Here’s something brands should learn about before jumping into this sea of NFTs.

You must study all there is to know about:

–       Blockchain – is a potentially powerful ledger technology that may be used for a variety of tasks.

–       Cryptocurrency – is already a part of the game. Many organizations (smart beneficiaries, not speculators) and shops should have a smart application to receive and convert payment in Crypto.

–       NFTs — there\’s a lot of room for improvement in customer service and value add for a lot of high-ticket things, not simply selling people digital pictures.

Recognize how it relates to your brand.

–       Transactions and ownership should be on the minds of lawyers.

–       Fast-food restaurants should consider who buys their meals and at what price range.

–       Athletic shoes should be cognizant of the 99%.

–       Offline self-regulation should be used by children\’s brands.

Consider the distinction between promotion and long-term viability. I get that everything looks good at home and in front of your Board of Directors and investors, but what is genuinely sustainable and will help you grow your business? Buying popcorn with cryptocurrency, on the other hand, isn\’t luring people back to the movies.

SnapStack Solutions gives you immediate access to a large pool of IT experts with a diverse set of skills, all of whom have been thoroughly vetted, trained, and proven through long-term engagements on client projects in a variety of industries around the world. Please let us know if you require a team of experts, and we will be happy to assist you. You can contact us at contact@snapstack.cz or through social media.

Until next time 🙂 Jordan

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